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You are here:Accueil arrow FAQ arrow How to publish a Gallery
How to publish a Gallery

Create the document that that will contain the images:

In the User Menu choose "New Gallery: the editor page will open (a warning error may appear on the top: don't care about it!)

Choose a Title for your Gallery and select your Username from the Category list.
Place a temporary text after the title, like "temp" or "wip" (you'll understand later).

Now click on the Gallery button below the editor to place this text:

Replace username with your Username and cartella with the name of the folder you created before (remember that the name is case-sensitive); don't change the tags!
The thumbnails for your gallery will be automatically generated

Now just write some text in the second editor. Move the mouse on the icons to read a tip... You can experiment with the styles and when satisfied remove the temporary text after the title and save the document clicking on the big floppy icon: the webmaster will know that it's time to publish your gallery!

You may to want suspend the job and restart it at later time: save the document whithout removing the temporary text and it won't be published... When you want to edit again, go in the User Page, click on "My Articles" and then on the small icon below the name in thel document list.

Don't click on the red X icon or you may loose all the changes!

That's all!
Whith this method you may publish as many Galleries as you like: remember to upload the images in a separate folder and use names related to the content...
If you are in troubles please contact the Webmaster.
