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Nuovi set in arrivo da HaT / New sets from HaT
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HaT ha annunciato l'uscita in Europa nelle prossime 1-2 settimane dei set 8064 Roman Extra Heavy Infantry e 8087 Late Roman Infantry.
Contemporaneamente saranno rilasciati in Nord America ed Asia i set 8094 - WWI Ottoman, 8109 - German Artilleries, 8110 - German Heavy Weapons, 8113/8114 - FT-17 tanks e 8115 - WWII Polish infantry, che arriveranno in Europa tra circa un mese.
HaT has announced that sets 8064 Roman Extra Heavy Infantry and 8087 Late Roman Infantry will be released in Europe in the next 1-2 weeks, while sets 8094 - WWI Ottoman, 8109 - German Artilleries, 8110 - German Heavy Weapons, 8113/8114 - FT-17 tanks and 8115 - WWII Polish infantry are being released in North America and Asia and will hit Europe by the end of July.
